Thursday, December 22, 2011

Another Semester Down!

Welp, another semester down. Fiiiiiiinnnnnaaaaaalllllllllllllyyyyyyyyy!!!! Probably the looooooongest and not so great(set) semester of my whole career. Yeah, I was definitely over it! Psychology, Golf and Institute were great, but omg, Anatomy was HELLLLLLL!!! Ahhhh!! The worst part about it? It looks like I'm going to have to re-take it. Yeah, disgusting, I know! However, I'm definitely not taking it next semester. I'm going to wait a semester of two. Next semester is Physiology. Wahoo! We'll see how it goes. I think it will be good, and I keep hearing it's hard, but definitely not as hard as Anatomy... so that's a plus, I suppose! Eeeeeehhh... Anyway! I'm just so, so, sooooo happy to be done and have this holiday break! I looooove it more then I can even put into words!

The day after my last final I went down south and spent some time down there, it was so great! I was able to spend a few days with Sherri, Wesley and Mark. I love spending time with them playing with the little buddy. I haven't seen him for 6 months and man has he grown! He's cuter than ever and is a little talker! He loves Mark more than anything and is always saying, "Maaark, Maaarrkk!" When it would just be he and I at home, and I would walk out of the room for a second he would yell, "AuntT!" And run to find me. I'm so in-love with that little one. The weather was so nice outside, that we played out there whenever we could! Between a sand box with tractors and a ball to throw, life was bliss with that little one those few days! It was so nice to get away and not have to do homework or think about school... at all!

I spent a few days with Kimberly and her family, and oh did we have fun! We went to get pedicures the first night, as well as see the movie New Years Eve. It has 6 trillion popular Hollywood Stars in it, and I thought it turned out pretty cute! We went shopping and watched The Holiday; as well as wrapped lots of presents and made a huge batch of cookies! On Sunday, while wrapping presents, Kimberly decided she wanted to wrap me up, as a gift, before the kids got home from church. It was pretty funny... So she did! I then hid behind their Christmas tree and waited for the kids to come home! Danielle saw me and jumped and screamed a little bit, Rebekah walked on by and didn't notice a thing... it was so funny we all started laughing! It was pretty awesome.

Along with seeing New Years Eve, we went and saw the Three Musketeers, and I went with Toni and Miah and a few others and saw Sherlock Holmes 2. Loved, loved, loved it! First off, Robert Downing Jr. is a good looking man and funny as heck! As well as Jude Law is one of the suavest men in Hollywood and he puts up with Holmes in the cleverest ways! He's a gem, period. :)

It was a great trip filled with lots of laughs and some great conversations. I also got new tires, my oil changed, my car registered, and became over $300's poorer. Awesome, I know.

I was sad when my trip finally came to an end, but eh, that's life... and I guess it was time to get back to it, so I did. I actually got a new position at work. I became a ticket writer. So cars pull in, and you figure out what wash they want, and then I print them out a ticket! It's waaaaayyyyy better than scrubbing cars. Way better! I love the people I work with (they are definitely more mature) and it's easier! Yes, you are repeating yourself 100,000 times a day trying to explain the different washes, and when you get slammed you kind of flip out because people get onry, but other than that, it's great! So this week I started training and I just had my first day ticket writing and closing up by myself! It went so well!! Definitely liking my job again!

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