Monday, July 15, 2013

a sweet letter & a cute face.

I've always had this thing about mail. My theory is that it arrives that day you need it the most. If you are expecting it and it's late.. you are usually thinking, what the heck, where is it? Right? But I still think my theory applies. Even if it's a day or two late, the day it came was the day you actually needed it. I feel, that sometimes it's almost magical. I can't really explain it. But I can think of countless times this has happened in my life, and today was no exception.

It was the first day of classes for Summer B and so my alarm being set at 6AM was a killer! Especially because I was not in bed till midnight last night, so I was exhausted this morning. I had looked at my schedule and was sure my class started at 7AM. So I got up, got ready and then I was walking to class when I looked at my schedule on my phone to see what room it was in... and realized it wasn't till 7:30! FML. Sorry but seriously. So I went back to my room and laid down for 20 minutes and then tried again. I got to my music class and it was good... until an hour in when I started to fall asleep. A two-hour class that early in the morning is a killer.. but it's okay. We did this listening test thing and we had to identify types of music, the title and artist if we could and the instruments in it. My teacher was asking about one of the songs, "What is the really distinct instrument in this piece?" I said, "It's that piano chime thing that is long [and I spread my arms out a few feet wide] and you have to hit it with a mallet to play it." She laughs and says, "A marimba..." Yeah, that thing... Feeling like an idiot! It's alright though, there was only 6 other classmates in my class to feel like an idiot in front of. I think it will be a really good class and I feel like I am going to learn a lot, so that's good. Only 7-weeks is what I keep telling myself...

So I left and went to the caf... and lets just skip over that part cause it SUCKED. I left quickly after and then was like, welp this is awesome. I kept getting this feeling to go to the mailbox. It kept coming to me all morning and I couldn't get rid of it. I don't get mail often, at all, so I knew that checking it was just going to suck cause there is going to be anything in there, and it will just add to my already crappy day.. But what the hell, right?

So I headed over to the mailbox and luckily had my key in my backpack. Through the hustle and bustle of the mail room I made it over to my box. I opened that little box with the numbers 600 on it and what to my surprise there was something in there. At first I thought it was a school bill just from looking at it from the side, but the second I started to pull it out I recognized the handwriting and wanted to cry. Okay, wait up, back track...I was already legitimately crying on the phone with my mom while all of this was happening so, it just made me cry more.. of course these were tears of joy. All my tears were getting jumbled into each other by this point.. what a mess!

I guess I should mention that the letter was from my sister Julia. I was only on the phone for a few minutes before I decided I was going to open up the letter and read it. Buuuut then I didn't. I instead, held it tight and ran home. I changed my clothes, grabbed a few things, packed the letter and headed to the beach. Julia and I always talk about her being her at the beach with me, so what better than to read her words with the sound waves crashing in the background? I know, cheesy, but I was having a really hard day... and feeling closer to my family is all I wanted.
When I got to the beach, I got comfy and then finally opened the letter and took in every word. I was in my happy place. I had my sisters words of comfort and love and the smell of sea blowing through the wind. With warm sand between my toes and the sun brightly shining, I knew I would make it through the day; and the rest of this adventure of life I was on. I told myself, 'it's just a bad day, not a bad life.'
Well, it didn't even turn out to be a bad day, just an annoying morning. Toni called while I was at the beach and we caught up for a good hour before she had to go. I laid out in the blissful sun before I headed back and Mary called. Talking to both of my best friends in one day? Um, can you say happy girl? Mary and I talked for a few hours, and I convinced her to do FaceTime half way in. I was pretty excited, and she'd never done it. I freaking miss that girl. It helped to be able to see her and know that the person on the other side of the text message/phone call is still her ;) haha, no but seriously. I like talking in person the best, so being able to talk more or less 'face to face' was seriously the best. I love it.. Oh, she made me agree not to screen shot our FaceTime.. but I couldn't help it... We were having too much fun! So I guess if she ever gets around to reading my blog she'll see these.. until than, enjoy!
I'm off to work here in a few to cover for my co-worker Senik.. Not sure where he's headed, but I am grateful for the hours. Thanks ya'll for listening to my day. I know this stuff should probably just be 'journal'ed' about for my own use.. but these days, I am getting pretty good at this blog thing and not so much with the journal deal..  So it's like this, I feel that if I try and do both, I will fail at both... So let's just do one for now, and lucky for ya'll, blogging is the winner... for now. ;)

All my love and kisses from this girl across the sea [to all the amazing women in her life!!] xoxoxoxo

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