Sunday, July 14, 2013

lets go Summer B

Just a quick update of this past week. Not too many exciting things, just a few last minute beach days before school starts tomorrow. 
So let's just do the top 10 things I did this week...  
1. Honu came home this week, so we played a lot. She slept over the last three nights because there is a lizard in her room and she won't sleep in her room if there's one in there.... So there's that. We watched Miss. Congeniality this week; only my alltime favorite movie ever!!! It came on in the caf one of the days but we were only able to watch about 15 minutes of it while eating before we had to run off to work. So we watched it one night and I obviously quoted the whole thing and laughed through the whole thing. Seriously a classic. I remember when I lived in New Mexico when I was thirteen with my family I would watch the movie every night [while falling asleep] for almost the whole year we lived there... So yes, quoting the entire movie is one of my special talents.
2. There were two good beach days where I was able to lay out and just relax. One was by myself, and one was with Honu. I saw turtles both time! They were just swimming around. I have always liked turtles, but there's something about swimming with sea turtles that is just [for lack of a better word] magical. It's surreal. It's an ocean child's dream and thrill and I get to live it almost daily. How lucky am I? 

3... Um, here are 3 things about work:
1.  My co-workers and I fixed the gum ball machine so of course I got some bubble gum, cause it's my favorite thing ever.
2. My one co-worker, Kathryn is 24, super cool and blonde... Okay, blonde girls here get a bad rap... Cause they are stupid!!! Legit. They are nosey and idiots.. But this one, she's different. She's amazing and super giving. I love her sense of humor and she is a super good listener. She also has a way of being forward, and telling people they need to "fix something" [like go put on longer shorts, no drinking alcohol in the GC, etc...] without the person feeling bad or fighting with her. It seems simple and silly, but it's a super admirable trait that I wish I had. 
3. This girl I just told you about... She calls me doll, and baby girl, like on the daily. Every time she says 'baby girl', my heart just softens...  it reminds me so much of my sisters Julia and Tammy and makes me miss them that much more!
Back to the other list... 

4. I went to Lone Ranger this week. I liked it, just thought it would have a bit more action, but it was good... For a cowboy movie, haha. Oh, then we went and got slurpee's at 7/11, cause the date was 7/11... Which usually means free slurpees... But the slurpee's were only free from 11AM-7PM... which is stupid, but that's fine.. We paid $1.40 and got the slurpee's anyway. 
5. I got a letter from Mary this week!! I hadn't checked my mail box in forever, cause I feel like I never get mail... and lucky enough, there was a letter in there! It was late in the afternoon when I checked and so the desk was closed and no one was in the mail room. I leaned up against the counter and read her letter in the quite of the mail room and just started to cry. It was so touching and much needed. I miss that girl, but am so happy she was able to come this summer break and we were able to make so many wonderful memories!
6. I was able to FaceTime with my best friend Camee this week!! She is home in California for the time being and I am missing her like crazy!! She is my co-baby gam [we were in the same pledge class in Alpha Sigma Alpha] for those of you that don't know or remember! She is friggin' hilarious and one of my all time favorite people I've ever known. 
7. Last night my friend Manu and his family were going to see the night show at PCC, so Honu and I went and watched as well. His family was adorable, especially his nephew and nieces and his mom was so sweet. They had all just come back from spending a two-week vacation in Samoa! How cool is that? I was so jealous. Anyways, night show was good. Adam danced in the Hawaiian portion and was kind of "an extra" throughout the rest of the show. After chatting it up afterwards we headed to grab some dinner and then off to the Game Center for just a few minutes before it closed. Then we just messed around till about 1AM when we decided to call it a night with 8AM church in the morning... 
8. Pushing snooze till 8:30AM, I finally got up and ran to church and was there for the two last meetings.. Which was good and then lunch time! As we were standing outside waiting for the caf to open their doors, my friend Juan comes walking up!!! He'd been gone all of summer break. We were in the same BOM class this past Summer A, and we became really good friends. Missed him! After lunch and the discussion of classes starting tomorrow morning, I called my mama and caught up with her for over two hours; and then called my best friend Toni to talk about her new place in Cedar! She's heading up to SUU for school this fall for her Art major, and I'm so excited for her. She's going to be great. One thing I learned from both conversations-- everyone's packing heat these days. I seriously need to get my weapons permit. No but seriously... 
9. Tonight was a fireside on... Well I'm not really listening because I'm updating my blog from my phone... But the musical number was the song, "Lily's of the Field" and I stopped updating to enjoy that. I love, love, love that song. 
10. I am excited for school to start up tomorrow to get some more structure into my life again. School gives me structure and purpose, and I guess that's why I keep going... But honestly, it'll be good. But for the next 7-weeks, I am going to be up and to class by 7:30AM Monday-Friday.. And then 8AM church on Sunday. So honestly, if someone wakes me up before 10AM Saturdays, 'prepare to die...' No but seriously. The reason I am taking these classes so early is because 
1. I need them 
2. They weren't offered any other time of the day... 
3. Yes I am going to die. But it's fine. I'll just incorporate afternoon naps... Lots of them. 

When I'm not taking naps or doing homework, I'll update this blog of mine. Sorry that my 10 adventures this week weren't much of adventures or too exciting, buuuuuut, you can't have an A+ week every week. 

Wish me luck this week and for the next 7... That I don't kill someone or fail these classes. 

All my love and kisses from across the sea xoxoxoxo  

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