Monday, February 17, 2014

Crouching Lion

First epic hike of the semester... & the winner is... Crouching Lion! Just a hop, skip and a jump away from campus (jk, it's like a 20 minute car ride) we jumped in Kelli's car and went to crouch on a lion... or something like that. No but seriously, thanks to Martin Luther King Jr., we had the third Monday in January off, so we ran up the mountain... & luckily it was sunny! Yeah for a sunny day off of school (because right now I am just finishing up President's day and guess what... the weather sucked all day... so homework and catching up on my blog it was).

Anyways. There is not much to say about Crouching Lion. There is about 6 ways up the mountain, so we went up one way and went down another. It was awesome. On the way down it was pretty much just a straight shot to death---> not really, but a little bit. It's fine, but I totally slipped & my legs got stuck behind this huge tree branch/log & so I walked out with a few battle wounds (one I am still putting salve and mederma on to get rid of the scar, ew...) but it was really fun nevertheless.

Oh, & I went with my co-worker Amanda and her peeps. It was a real good time.
Do you see the lion shape on the left tip of that mountain? 
Kisses from the sea xoxxx

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