Monday, February 17, 2014

Winter 2014.

Here at BYU-H they call it Winter Semester... Everyone else in the world call's it Spring. Either way, being in Hawaii, it's more like Summer Session A (cause it's like Summer year round...) Just kidding it's not. It rains like nobody's business in then Winter months here and I am not a fan. Like it doesn't stop... ever. It is constantly raining and so that pretty much means no fun Saturdays. Jokes, I have got some fun ones in. But honestly. I am over the rain.
I moved to a new Hale. Hale 10. So now I just share my room and bathroom with one other person, and then there is 4 of us to a unit. We all share a kitchen. Yep, I cook my own food now. It's good. It was hard at first and definitely a change from the cafeteria, but I really like it now. I can eat my cereal at the kitchen table or in my room in my bra and underwear if that is what I choose to do. Hey, sometimes a girl just doesn't like to be dressed. Let's be honest, I am usually just wearing an oversized t-shirt with no pants. My roommates (unit mates) made fun of me for the first little while, but got use to it... I do not do pants, and they finally accepted that.

My unit mates and roommate are real cool. My roommate's name is Tsta-ta, she is from Mongolia and went on her mission to her home of Mongolia. She is 25 and is studying accounting. She's really sweet, and laughs at all my jokes, haha, so I like her. My other unit mates are also from Asian countries. One's name is Sayaka and she is from Japan and went on her mission to Brazil. Her roommate is Jasmine and she is from Taiwan and she went on her mission to also her home of Taiwan. They are all really funny and all super good cooks. So our kitchen always smells good, as well as they feed me, which is awesome haha. I cooked them enchiladas and they liked that--but seriously what they cook takes too much patience, so I just stick with my easy mac most of the time. Seriously though.

Being the only white girl they always laugh at me for saying, "freaking seriously." But they love it. We all tease each other all day long, it's awesome.

Just a quick synopsis of classes. Officially being a Psychology Major... classes role out as this ----> Mondays & Wednesday I just have Doctrine and Covenants for an hour. Easy. Then Wednesday nights I still have choir (whatever it's two throw away credits, but I still need the credit). 
Tuesdays & Thursdays are the crap days. They start about 6:30, but Psych Stats starts at 7: bloody 40 AM. Ew. My classes are stacked all day starting with stats. Next is Special Education 200 (it's a psychology elective course). Next comes Theater Workshop (just a throw away, no homework, needed 2 more credits class)... and lastly, my final class for the day is Abnormal Psychology, ending my classes at 5 bloody pm. To say the least, I am usually pretty spent on Tuesdays and Thursdays, but hey. That's life. Not to mention, I just became Student Supervisor this semester at the Game Center, so of course just more work and more drama. Ew. Friday's I don't have class, so I work from 12-5, and then usually give myself Friday night off... cause I make the schedule so why not? It's good. I am happy where I am, but after this semester is over, it will even be better.

Well, here are some pics from my first couple weeks being back, back in January.
1. A truck ran over a freaking fire hydrant... no but seriously. It just ran over it, I saw it happen when I was walking back from Religion. Just ran over it. I don't know how you miss a freaking yellow fire hydrant just chilling on the lawn at the library... but okay. Made for a cool picture.

2. Went to turtle beach... and saw turtles everywhere! They were so many beached, and even a few still poking out of the water. It was the coooooolest thing ever. 

3. Went and spent the day at turtle bay, and found a secret beach (jk, it's Kawela Bay--but there was no one there so I called it a secret beach) and found a cute little hermit crab.

4. Went on a Sunday walk behind campus and found some beautiful scenery! So awesome.
It's good to be back in school. Not really, but I will get through it... somehow.  I mean, I am in Paradise, right? That is what I keep trying to remind myself...

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