Monday, March 10, 2014

{my favorite kind of adventure} best friend & me.

It had been 44 days since she bought her ticket, 54 days since I had seen her, & 32 days till I get to see her again. Here's a post of the 7 (well, 8) days of fun adventures we had together! The pictures speak more than the words ever could. I love this girl more than anything & am so grateful she was able to come stay with my this past week. It was so needed & couldn't have been more perfect. 

Day 1: I couldn't believe the day was finally here! I was picking her up at the airport & I couldn't have been more excited. We got her bag & headed to lunch at her favorite, California Pizza Kitchen. Afterwards, we hit up Sam's Club and Wal-Mart for the Game Center (just like old times) to buy snacks and what not for re-sale. Errands neither of us cared to run, because we were finally back together. That night we drove home, went to Chinaman's Hat Beach Park just so she could put her feet in the sand for a second and hear the ocean again--and we got locked in. Who knew that beach park closed at 8pm? Well it did. We were in the school's car, and I couldn't believe that we were going to have to sleep in our car. Luckily, I had seen a car with a security symbol on the side, and so we pretty much followed his car till we were able to convince him we needed to be let out of the beach park. He reluctantly let us out and we laughed all the way back to campus. We walked back into the Game Center together and dang was it good to be back there with her. Where it all started. It was a really good day, and we were so excited for the days to come. 

Day 2: It was really rainy today, but we wanted to get out anyway. We got ready and then took a walk to the temple; and then afterwards walked down to temple beach and found ourselves sitting under a tree on the sand (to keep out of the rain)--while still enjoying squishing the sand between our toes. We sat there all afternoon just catching up and eating some snacks. We got home later that night and hadn't eaten breakfast that morning, or lunch--except for the fruit roll ups and gushers I had had in my bag--so she made us some homemade tacos. Soooo yummy. 

Day 3: Today we got up and headed to the North Shore. We went to her favorite, Wailua Bakery and got some really yummy sandwiches--all of the ingredients is grown right behind the bakery and the bread baked fresh right there-- and then got this super yummy homemade ice cream sandwich (pictured below). It was a real good time. We then headed through the middle of the island, to get over to the West side of the island. Here we went on a hike to a place called, Upper Makauka Cave. It was amazing and so beautiful! You could see Kaena Point (the very north-west tip of the island) where I was just a few weeks ago. We were able to see the sunset as we were up in the cave and hiking back down. By the time we got back down it was dark, and we were exhausted. But we were hungry, in a strange town we had never been in, and our phones were almost dead. So we did a google search, found a good place to eat, got it to go and found a starbucks to plug our phones in for a second. We would have died without GPS. We were able to charge them for just 10 minutes before the Starbucks closed, and then we headed back to the other side of the island. But we didn't just go home, no we decided to go camping. Yeah. camping. It was about 10:00, 10:30pm when we got to Keiki's Beach on the North Shore. It's Kathryn's favorite, so whatever. It was pitch dark, and like I said, we didn't have much phone battery. Luckily, we were able to use the flashlight on my phone long enough for her to hold it while I set up the two man tent on a hill we had found on the beach. It was just another adventure. Somehow I was able to set-up the tent in the dark, with the wind blowing like crazy haha, and someone make it not fall down. Kathryn helped hold corners and stuff when I needed her too, haha--it was a real good time. After all of that, it was so completely worth it to fall asleep to the sound of the ocean waves crashing into the shore, with my best friend cuddled up next to me. 

Day 4: In the morning, we woke up to this beautiful view. Amazing! We didn't sleep super good on the hard, uneven sand, but hey, it was an adventure. And the view and memories were so worth it. We packed up around 9, and went and drove home. On the way, we saw a fruit stand and grabbed some Robatan. I had never tried it, but Kathryn said she ate a bunch of it in Costa Rica. So we got some--and it was so good. Kind of tastes like a pear a little bit. I had some work stuff I had to do later in the day, but then we went and hit up Bikini Beach and went for a little ride on the swing there and then drank some yummy bottled soda and watched the sunset. 

 Day 5: Beach day! Went to a Kawela Bay (where they filmed the last Hunger Games) and chilled on the beach for a while today. I call the beach secret beach because it's on the other side of Turtle Bay and hardly no one knows about it--it's super great. We got some Guava and more Robatan at the fruit stand right across the street--both sooo yummy. Neither of us had ever tried an actual Guava fruit, but we both really liked it.  Mmmmmh! Then we went and grabbed dinner at the North Shore at Cholo's Mexican Restaurant, and then walked around for a few. While doing that, I saw my other manager Dave from the Carwash, when it was Firehouse! It was so funny. They asked us a bunch of questions and then we were on our way... over to Turtle Beach to watch the sunset! So beautiful on the North Shore. Best seat in the house. And by house I mean beach. 

 Day 6: Today we set our alarm and rode our bikes out to Bikini Beach to watch the sunrise. So beautiful! After that, we rode up to Tita's for Koko Rice and a slice, and then just did a bunch of random things today. Like bowling, and making up raps all day. My (our) boss, Elder Sessions and his wife took us out to dinner at the shrimp trucks, and then out to ice cream after just because. I mean, let's be honest, when Elder Sessions was introducing Kathryn to people he'd say, "This is Kathryn, she use to be my star employee!" Dead serious. He used those exact words. He said it right before I staff meeting and you should've seen the look on all of the other employee's faces--priceless.
Day 7: Not really sure what we did today.... except for cry (on my end) on multiple occasions all day because it was her last day. She was leaving the next day and I couldn't handle it. That night we went to a place down the street called Country Rides and Grinds for a benefit Open Mic. We got Reeses Milkshakes, some food and bought some cool CANCER HATER shirts to support building a cancer center in Kili, Africa. It was a real good time. That night I didn't want to fall asleep... but I got into bed and konked out pretty quickly... hey, it was after 2am. But man was I sad for the day to come to an end... because I knew what the morning held. Ew. 

 Day 7: Got up, and was pissed as hell... sorry for my french but honestly. While she got ready I packed her entire bag, and we were out of the house by 9'ish am. We headed up to Tita's for one last Koko Rice and Slice before she flew over the Pacific. We then had a little extra time, so we made a quick run up to the Pali Lookout, because we weren't able to stop when she first got into town--and if there is one place that is my favorite on the island--Pali Lookout is definitely it. 

We headed to the airport, parked the car and got her checked in and ready to go. We grabbed some $9.50 (yes, $9 dollars and 50 cent) sandwiches at Starbucks (ridiculous!), a strawberry frappe, and she was on her way. Of course I cried. Ew. A lot. In the car on the way and pretty much the whole way, and then in that damn airport. Hate that place. Anyways. She was off and I was sad, but knew it'd only be 34 more days till I got to see her again, so I needed to suck it up... and I headed home... 

I pull in to the friends house I was borrowing the car from when I get a text from Kathryn that read "Ew." I immediately, was like what the crap is going on? She said that she fell asleep right when they left the gate, and she just woke back up and they were back at the gate. She was so confused. They had sat on the tarmac for a good 45 minutes before they went back to the terminal and said that there was a mechanical problem and that it was going to take 15 minutes to fix. I said, there's no way--it's going to take longer than 15 minutes. In the mean time, I got home and was planning on taking a nap before heading into work in just 2 hours. Buuuut, that didn't happen because I was trying to figure out what was going on. Long story short, they de-boarded the plane, their flight was delayed till the following day, they were given flight vouchers and a shuttled over to a close-by hotel to stay for the night. Obviously I was not going to let me best friend sleep an hour a way from me in a creepy hotel--it was a two star Best Western thats walls were paper thin. So sketchy. So obviously we tried every outlet to try and get me back down to town without me taking the bus for 2 hours to get down there, in the dark. Gross and creepy. We asked for people to drive me, to borrow their car, rent it for the evening, etc. It was a mess. Finally we asked my boss Elder Sessions, if I was able to get it his house if I could borrow his car and he said yes. We were so happy!! I got back down to town by 8pm and knocked on room 827 and said, "Room service..." She slowly opened the door, freaked out of her mind... and then when she realized it was me, was so relieved and so happy. It was soooooo good. The night was perfect... except for the part when I konked out when she went in to brush her teeth. Whoops. The morning came, and we were both just so happy to be given one more night, that saying goodbye wasn't nearly as hard. We are pros at the airports these days, and the next time we are both at one together, it going to be a real, real good day.  

Until then, kisses from the sea xoxoxxx 

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